Icons of the Liturgical Year Our Lord Jesus Christ 1- Annunciation to Zechariah 2- Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary 3- Visitation of Mary 4- Nativity of John the Baptist 5- Revelation to Joseph 6- Nativity of our Lord 7- Theotokos 8- The Flight into Egypt 9- Massacre of the Innocents 10- Saint Basil and Gregory 11- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 12- Simeon waiting for the Consolation of Israel 13- Epiphany 14- Beheading of John the Baptist 15- The Stoning of Saint Stephen 16- Temptation of Christ 17- The Wedding at Cana 18- The Leper 19- The Paralytic 20- The Canaanite Woman 21- The Hemorrhaging Woman 22- The Bent-Over Woman 23- The two Demon-Possessed Men 24- Stater of Peter 25- Raising of Jairus’ daughter 26- Raising of the son of the widow of Nain 27- The multiplication of the loaves and fishes 28- Good Samaritan 29- The Samaritan Woman 30- The Centurion 31- Bartimaeus the Blind 32- The multitude following Jesus 33- The Raising of Lazarus 34- The Entrance to Jerusalem 35- Expulsion of the merchants from the temple 36- At the house of Simeon the Leper 37- The Washing of the feet 38- The Last Supper 39- The Communion of the Apostles 40- The prayer in Gethsemane 41- Betrayal of Judas 42- Death of Judas 43- Christ before Pilate 44- Denial of Peter 45- The Crucifixion 46- The Descent from the Cross 47- The Entombment 48- The Resurrection 49- Myrrhbearers (The Women at the tomb) 50- Supper at Emmaus 51- Our Lord with His disciples 52- Christ and Thomas 53- Christ at the sea of Galilee 54- The Ascension 55- The election of Matthias 56- Saints Peter and Paul 57- The Pentecost 58- The Transfiguration 59- The Dormition 60- The Finding of the Holy Cross Icons of the Liturgical Year Rabbula Gospels Icons by the nuns of Saint Jacob Baradeus and of Saint Demiana Saint Mark Convent – Jerusalem Monastery of saint Moses the Abyssinian Syriac crosses Images of saints Vatican Syriac 559 Miniatures of ordination – Paris syriaque 112 Miniatures of Paris syriaque 341 Miniatures of the British Library Maronite icons by Fr Abdo Badwi Frescos of St George Church – Sadad Frescos of Saints Serge and Bacchus – Sadad ROLE DES IMAGES ET VENERATION DES ICONES DANS LES EGLISES ORTHODOXES ORIENTALES SYRIENNE, ARMENIENNE, COPTE, ETHIOPIENNE – CHRISTINE CHAILLOT DIALOGUE ENTRE ORTHODOXES . CENEVE 1993 منمنمات المخطوطة السريانية 559 في المكتبة الفاتيكانية المؤلف: غليوم دي جرفانيون – ترجمة وتعليق: الأب لويس قصّاب – د. يوسف الطوني. فن التصوير عند السريان في التاريخ الوسيط أيقونات القراءات الإنجيلية المقدسة مخطوط انجيل بغديدا المصور 1220 م تأليف الأب لويس قصاب ود . يوسف الطوني 2008 السريان وحرب الأيقونات مار غريغوريوس يوحنا ابراهيم متروبوليت حلب وتوابعها شارك هذا الموضوع:تويترفيس بوكمعجب بهذه:إعجاب تحميل...