Icons of the Liturgical Year
Annunciation to Zechariah to Good Samaritan
Annunciation to Zechariah
Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Visitation of Mary
Nativity of John the Baptist
Revelation to Joseph
Nativity of our Lord
The Flight into Egypt
Massacre of the Innocents
Saint Basil and Gregory
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Simeon waiting for the Consolation of Israel
Beheading of John the Baptist
The Stoning of Saint Stephen
Temptation of Christ
The Wedding at Cana
The Leper
The Paralytic
The Canaanite Woman
The Hemorrhaging Woman
The Bent-Over Woman
The two Demon-Possessed Men
Stater of Peter
Raising of Jairus’ daughter
Raising of the son of the widow of Nain
The multiplication of the loaves and fishes
Good Samaritan
The Samaritan Woman to The Finding of the Holy Cross
The Samaritan Woman
The Centurion
Bartimaeus the Blind
The multitude following Jesus
The Raising of Lazarus
The Entrance to Jerusalem
Expulsion of the merchants from the temple
At the house of Simeon the Leper
The Washing of the feet
The Last Supper
The Communion of the Apostles
The prayer in Gethsemane
Betrayal of Judas
Death of Judas
Christ before Pilate
Denial of Peter
The Crucifixion
The Descent from the Cross
The Entombment
The Resurrection
Myrrhbearers (The Women at the tomb)
Supper at Emmaus
Our Lord with His disciples
Christ and Thomas
Christ at the sea of Galilee
The Ascension
The election of Matthias
Saints Peter and Paul
The Pentecost
The Transfiguration
The Dormition
The Finding of the Holy Cross
Other icons
Icons by the nuns of Saint Jacob Baradeus and of Saint Demiana
Saint Mark Convent – Jerusalem
Monastery of saint Moses the Abyssinian
Syriac crosses
Images of saints
Vatican Syriac 559
Miniatures of ordination – Paris syriaque 112
Miniatures of Paris syriaque 341
Miniatures of the British Library
Frescos of St George Church – Sadad
Frescos of Saints Serge and Bacchus – Sadad
Maronite icons by Fr Abdo Badwi