منشور بطريركي

البيان المشترك بين كنيسة أنطاكية السريانية الأرثوذكسية وكنيسة أنطاكية للروم الأرثوذكس

ܒܫܡ ܐܝܬܝܐ ܡܬܘܡܝܐ ܐܠܨܝ ܐܝܬܘܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܐܚܝܕ

ܐܝܓܢܐܛܝܘܣ ܦܛܪܝܪܟܐ ܕܟܘܪܣܝܐ ܫܠܝܚܝܐ ܕܐܢܛܝܘܟܝܐ ܘܕܟܠܗ̇ ܡܕܢܚܐ

ܘܪܝܫܐ ܓܘܢܝܐ ܕܥܕܬܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܬܐ ܐܪܬܕܘܟܣܝܬܐ ܕܒܟܠܗ̇ ܬܒܝܠ

ܕܗܘ ܙܟܝ ܩܕܡܝܐ ܕܒܝܬ ܥܝܘܐܨ ܡ̄

نهدي البركة الرسولية والدعاء والسلام بالرب إلى إخوتنا المطارنة الأجلاء، وأبنائنا نواب الأبرشيات، والكهنة، والرهبان، والراهبات، والشمامسة والشمّاسات الموقّرين، ولفيف أفراد شعبنا السرياني الأرثوذكسي، وجميع الأبرشيات الخاضعة لكرسينا الرسولي الأنطاكي المكرّمين، شملتهم العناية الربانية بشفاعة السيدة العذراء مريم والقديس مار بطرس هامة الرسل وسائر الرسل، والشهداء والقديسين آمين.

بعد تفقد خواطركم العزيزة، نقول:

لا بدّ أنه تناهى إلى مسامعكم المساعي الحثيثة التي تقوم بها الكنيستان الشقيقتان: السريان الأرثوذكس والروم الأرثوذكس، في الكرسي الرسولي الأنطاكي الواحد منذ سنوات عدة، من أجل تعارف أفضل وتفاهم أعمق على الصعيدين العقائدي والرعوي. وهذه المساعي ليست سوى مؤشر طبيعي إلى أن الكنائس الأرثوذكسية بخاصة في الكرسي الأنطاكي المقدس، مدعوة إلى التعبير عن إرادة السيد له المجد في أن يكون الجميع واحداً كما أنه هو واحد مع الآب السماوي (يوحنا 10: 30). هذا إضافة إلى أنه علينا وعلى إخوتنا في كنيسة الروم الأرثوذكس، تقع تبعة الشهادة للمسيح يسوع ربّنا في منطقتنا الشرقية حيث ولد له المجد وبشّر وتألّم وقبر وقام من بين الأموات وصعد إلى السماء وأرسل روحه القدوس المحيي إلى رسله القديسين.

ولقد أكّدت الاجتماعات واللقاءات والبيانات والتصريحات الشفوية والخطية، على أننا ننتمي إلى إيمان واحد، وإن كان التاريخ قد أبرز وجه انقسامنا أكثر من وجوه وحدتنا.

هذا ما دعا المجمع الأنطاكي المقدّس إلى إقرار تسريع التعبير عن تقدّم كنيستَينا في سبيل الاتّحاد الذي يحفظ لكل من الكنيستَين تراثها الشرقي الأصيل، إذ تنتفع الكنيسة الأنطاكية الواحدة من أختها، وتفيد من غنى تقليدها الشريف وآدابها وطقوسها المقدسة.

ثم إنه بعد الاطلاع على كل ما تمّ من سعي وجهد في اتجاه التقارب بين الكنيستين، وبعد اليقين بأن هذا الاتجاه هو من الروح الكلّي قدسه، وأنه يعطي الوجه المسيحي الشرقي نصاعة وتألقاً طالما افتقر إليهما في القرون الخوالي، ارتأى مجمعنا الأنطاكي المقدس، ترجمة العلاقة الأخوية التقاربية بين الكنيستَين: السريان الأرثوذكس والروم الأرثوذكس، إلى ما فيه خير الأبناء المؤمنين في الكنيستين حيثما وجدوا.

لذلك قرّرنا الأمور التالية:

1 ـ الاحترام الكامل المتبادل لكل من الكنيستين في روحانيتها وتراثها وآبائها القديسين، والحفاظ على الطقسين السرياني والبيزنطي محافظة تامة.

2 ـ إدخال آباء الكنيستين وتراثهما بوجه عام في منهج التربية المسيحية والتعليم اللاهوتي في كل منهما وتبادل الأساتذة والطلبة واللاهوتيين.

3 ـ الامتناع عن قبول أبناء كنيسة في عضوية الكنيسة الأخرى مهما كانت الأسباب.

4 ـ تنظيم اجتماعات في مستوى المجمعين لدى رغبة الفريقين، وكلما دعت الحاجة.

5 ـ إبقاء كل كنيسة مرجعاً لأبنائها في كل قضايا الأحوال الشخصية على تنوعها.

6 ـ في خدمة العماد المقدّس، أو الدفن وسواهما، يكون التقدّم لرئيس كهنة صاحب العلاقة، فإذا كانت الخدمة سر الزواج المقدّس، كان رئيس كهنة كنيسة العريس هو المتقدّم.

7 ـ ما قيل آنفاً، لا ينطبق على المشاركة بين الإكليروس في القداس الإلهي.

8 ـ المذكور في الرقم /6/ ينطبق على الكهنة من الكنيستين كلتيهما.

9 ـ إذا وجد في مكان ما كاهن واحد فقط من إحدى الكنيستين، فإنه يتولى إقامة الأسرار الإلهية والرتب والخدمات الروحية لأبناء الكنيستين كلتيهما في المكان المذكور بما في ذلك القدّاس الإلهي، وسرّ الزواج المقدّس. وفي هذه الحال، يحتفظ الكاهن ذاته بسجل مستقل لكل من الطائفتين، ويتولّى إيصال سجل أبناء الكنيسة الشقيقة إلى رئاستها الروحية.

10 ـ إذا وجد كاهنان، واحد من كل كنيسة في مكان، حيث كنيسة واحدة، فإنهما يقيمان الخدمة بالتناوب.

11 ـ إذا وجد رئيس كهنة من كنيسة وكاهن من الكنيسة الشقيقة، فالتقدم بالطبع يكون لرئيس الكهنة ولو كان ذلك في رعية الكاهن.

12 ـ الرسامات الكهنوتية، تقوم بها الرئاسات الروحية في كل كنيسة على المرشحين منها، ويستحسن أن يدعى إليها الأخوة من الكنيسة الشقيقة.

13 ـ الإشبين والعرّاب يجوز اتخاذهما من أبناء أي من الكنيستين دونما تفريق.

14 ـ يتمّ التعاون وتبادل الزيارات والمشاركة بين سائر الهيئات في الكنيستين وفي كل المجالات الخيرية والثقافية والتربوية، مما يغذي روح الأخوّة والقربى بينهما.

وفي هذه المناسبة، أيها الأحباء، نسأل اللّه أن يعيننا لنواصل السعي إلى تمتين علاقاتنا بهذه الكنيسة الشقيقة وبسائر الكنائس، لكي يمسي الجميع بالفعل رعية واحدة لراع واحد. النعمة تشملكم جميعاً دائماً أبداً آمين وآبون دبشميا وشركا.

صدر عن قلايتنا البطريركية في دمشق ـ سورية

في 17 تشرين الثاني سنة 1991م

وهي السنة الثانية عشرة لبطريركيتنا



Patriarchal Encyclical



We extend our apostolic benediction and greetings to our brethren, their Eminences the Metropolitans; our spiritual children the reverend priests, monks, nuns, deacons and deaconesses, and our blessed Syrian Orthodox people all over the world. May the divine providence embrace them through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and St. Peter, the chief of the apostles, and the rest of the Martyrs and Saints. Amen.

Our beloved, we inquire about your wellbeing and offer our humble prayers as we say:

By now, the diligent efforts of the past several years, exerted by the two sister Churches, the Syrian Orthodox and the Rum Orthodox of the One Apostolic and Holy See of Antioch, must be well known among you. These reconciliatory efforts were pushed for in order to maintain a better understanding of the two Churches on the levels of Dogma and Pastoral Ministry. These efforts exhibit the natural posture of the Orthodox Churches (in the world), but especially in this case the Holy See of Antioch, Churches which are called to express the will of the Lord, to Him be the Glory, that all must be one, inasmuch as He and the Heavenly Father are One (John 10: 30).

In addition, it behooves us and our brethren of the Syrian Orthodox Church to witness to Christ Jesus our Lord, especially in our eastern region where He was born, to Him be the Glory, He preached, suffered, was buried, rose from among the dead, ascended into heaven, and from there He sent his Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, to his Holy Apostles.

Our meetings, consultations, decisions, and oral and written declarations, all affirmed that we belong to one faith, even though history revealed the aspect of our division more so than our aspect of unity.

With this in mind, the Holy Synod of Antioch has called for the acceleration of these efforts by both of our Churches for the sake of unity, which preserves in each of the two Churches its genuine eastern tradition, so that the one Church of Antioch may benefit from her sister the riches of her tradition and sacred rites.

We have truthfully studied all that was necessary to be researched, for the sake of bringing the two Churches closer together, while understanding that this approach is guided by the All sanctifying Holy Spirit, an approach that renders the eastern Christian presence pure and incorrupt, so long as the Holy Spirit has been with us throughout the centuries. The Holy Synod of Antioch hereby presents to you the declarations that pertain to this brotherly relationship between the two Churches, the Syrian Orthodox and the Rum Orthodox, hoping that the flock of both Churches, our faithful sons and daughters, will ultimately benefit from these decisions.

Therefore, we have decided the following:

  1. Mutual and complete respect shall be maintained between the two Churches with regard to each Church’s: Spirituality, Tradition, Holy Fathers, while at the same time perfectly preserving both, the Syriac and Byzantine rites.
  2. Inclusion of both the Fathers and traditions of both Churches is recommended, on the general level, in the programs of Christian civics and theological education, in each Church, in addition to exchanging students and instructors of theology between the two Church seminaries.
  3. Membership of a faithful person in one Church is to be preserved as such, and any attempt to accept that certain believer into the other Church family, as a member of the other Church family, is hereby strictly forbidden, regardless of the circumstances.
  4. Organization of (joint) meetings on the Synodal level, according to the needs of both Church families, is hereby recommended and as the need arises.
  5. Each of the Church families must remain the ultimate reference for its own flock, in matters pertaining to jurisdictional issues.
  6. At the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Funerals, and others, the flock-specific clergyman (i.e. the priest of the one being baptized, buried, etc.) shall preside. In the case of Holy Matrimony, the presiding clergyman shall be that of the bridegroom’s Church.
  7. What has been previously declared (in Resolution 6) does not apply to concelebration(s) among the hierarchs of both Church families during the Divine Liturgy.
  8. Resolution 6, in addition, applies to the priesthood of both Church families.
  9. If it happens that in a certain region there exists only one priest from either Church families, then that priest shall perform all the Holy Sacraments, rites, and divine services, for the flock of both Church families, in that specific region. These services include also the Divine Liturgy and Holy Matrimony. In that situation, the priest has to keep a separate record book for each of the Church families’ flock, and he shall be responsible for handing in that record to the corresponding flock’s hierarchy.
  10. If two priests, one from each Church family, happen to be in the same region (for whatever cause that may be), and that region has only one Church, then they shall alternate over the services.
  11. If a hierarch of one Church family happens to be with a priest of the sister church, naturally the hierarch shall preside, even though both happen to be in the parish of the priest.
  12. Ordinations to the priesthood are to be administered by the hierarchy of Church family corresponding to the candidate of ordination, and it is recommended that the brethren of the sister Church be invited to these services.
  13. Sponsors for both sacraments, Baptism and Holy Matrimony, can be selected from either Church family without distinction.
  14. We call for collaboration, exchange of visits, and fellowship among the various Church organizations on all levels, including charity and education, which serve to strengthen the spirit of brotherhood among the two Church families.

On this occasion, dearly beloved, we ask the Almighty God to assist us to remain ever vigilant in order to maintain our relationship with this sister Church and (eventually) with the other churches, until ultimately all becomes: one flock under the One Shepherd.

Issued on 12 November, A.D. 1991

Statement of the Orthodox Church of Antioch on the Relations between the Eastern and Syrian Orthodox Churches


A Synodal and Patriarchal Letter.

To All Our Children, Protected by God, of the Holy See of Antioch:


You must have heard of the continuous efforts for decades by our Church with the sister Syrian Orthodox Church to foster a better knowledge and understanding of both Churches, whether on the dogmatic or pastoral level. These attempts are nothing but a natural expression that the Orthodox Churches, and especially those within the Holy See of Antioch, are called to articulate the will of the Lord that all may be obey, just as the Son is One with the Heavenly Father (John 10:30).

It is our duty and that of our brothers in the Syrian Orthodox Church to witness to Christ in our Eastern region where He was born, preached, suffered, was buried and rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and sent down His Holy and Life Giving Spirit upon His holy Apostles.

All the meetings, the fellowship, the oral and written declarations meant that we belong to One Faith even though history had manifested our division more than the aspects of our unity.

All this has called upon our Holy Synod of Antioch to bear witness to the progress of our Church in the See of Antioch towards unity that preserves for each Church its authentic Oriental heritage whereby the one Antiochian Church benefits from its sister Church and is enriched in its traditions, literature and holy rituals.

Every endeavor and pursuit in the direction of the coming together of the two Churches is based on the conviction that this orientation is from the Holy Spirit, and it will give the Eastern Orthodox image more light and radiance, that it has lacked for centuries before.

Having recognized the efforts done in the direction of unity between the two Churches, and being convinced that this direction was inspired by the Holy Spirit and projects a radiant image of Eastern Christianity overshadowed during centuries, the Holy Synod of the Church of Antioch saw the need to give a concrete expression of the close fellowship between the two Churches, the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Eastern Orthodox for the edification of their faithful.

Thus, the following decisions were taken:

  1. We affirm the total and mutual respect of the spirituality, heritage and Holy Fathers of both Churches. The integrity of both the Byzantine and Syriac liturgies is to be preserved.
  2. The heritage of the Fathers in both Churches and their traditions as a whole should be integrated into Christian education curricula and theological studies. Exchanges of professors and students are to be enhanced.
  3. Both Churches shall refrain from accepting any faithful from accepting any faithful from one Church into the membership of the other, irrespective of all motivations or reasons.
  4. Meetings between the two Churches, at the level of their Synods, according to the will of the two Churches, will be held whenever the need arises.
  5. Every Church will remain the reference and authority for its faithful, pertaining to matters of personal status (marriage, divorce, adoption, etc.).
  6. If bishops of the two Churches participate at a holy baptism or funeral service, the one belonging to the Church of the baptized or deceased will preside. In case of a holy matrimony service, the bishop of the bridegroom’s Church will preside.
  7. The above mentioned is not applicable to the concelebration in the Divine Liturgy.
  8. What applies to bishops equally applies to the priests of both Churches.
  9. In localities where there is only one priest, from either Church, he will celebrate services for the faithful of both Churches, including the Divine Liturgy, pastoral duties, and holy matrimony. He will keep an independent record for each Church and transmit that of the sister Church to its authorities.
  10. If two priests of the two Churches happen to be in a locality where there is only one Church, they take turns in making use of its facilities.
  11. If a bishop from one Church and a priest from the sister Church happen to concelebrate a service, the first will preside even when it is the priest’s parish.
  12. Ordinations into the holy orders are performed by the authorities of each Church for its own members. It would be advisable to invite the faithful of the sister Church to attend.
  13. Godfathers, godmothers (in baptism) and witnesses in holy matrimony can be chosen from the members of the sister Church.
  14. Both Churches will exchange visits and will co-operate in the various areas of social, cultural and educational work.
    We ask God’s help to continue strengthening our relations with the sister Church, and with other Churches, so that we all become one community under one Shepherd.

12 November 1991

Patriarch Ignatios IV 

of the Greek Antiochian Church

Patriarch Ignatius Zakka Iwas
of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch