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Opening Prayer:

Psalm 51.







Concluding Prayer


Opening Prayer




Gospel :

Deacon’s Litany

Concluding Prayer


Opening Prayer







Concluding Prayer :


Opening Prayer







Concluding Prayer (hutomo)


Opening Prayer







Bo’utho of Mar Jacob

Concluding Prayer (Hutomo)





         The Order of the Candle (qandilo) is celebrated for one who repents, whwthwe he is sick or healthy, as said by the blessed apostle Jacob, brother of our Lord in his Catholic epistle: ‘If somebody is sick, let him call the presbyters (qashishe) of the Church and let them pray for him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prayer with faith heals him and forgives him if he had committed sins’(James 5:14-15).

         The Presbyters (qashishe) of the Church shall gather together. They shall bring a dish made of ceramic or glass and make in it dough in round shape and fill it with oil. They shall fix in it five cotton wicks in the form of a cross, one in the east, one in the west, one on the north and one on the south, and a (fifth one) in the middle and place it on a table, with cross, the Gospel before it and two lit candles on either sides. The penitent shall kneel down on the side of the table (or shall lie down on a bed, if he is too weak).

            The number five (symbolizes) the five wise virgins as well as the five senses. At the beginning of each of the service, the wicks are lighted (in the following order): first that of the east, secondly that of the middle, thirdly that of the west, fourthly that of the north and finally that of the south.



Qauma. After the qauma, the priest shall make three signs of the cross over the qandilo in the name of the Holy Trinity and shall light the wick on the eastern side and say the following opening prayer.

Priest : Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Deacon:  And upon us, weak and sinful, mercy and compassion in both worlds forever. Amen.

Opening Prayer:

God who is great and amazing, Lord Jesus Christ, You have given us the promise of grace and Your abundant mercies. You have renewed us from the ‘oldness’ of sin.  You set the demoniacs free and gave vision to the blind, loved the upright, had pity on the sinners, and led them from the darkness and ‘the shadows of death’ (Ps. 23:4) to Your divine light that never becomes dark. You loosened the bondage of those who were imprisoned, and brought them to consolation and eternal joy, for You have caused to shine the light of Your knowledge by Your coming and Your manifestation on earth among men. You have given the authority to become the children of God to those who have received You in baptism, and by it, You have held us worthy to participate in Your holy body and blood. You have set us to Your kingdom. Now O Lord of all, look at us with the eyes of Your loving kindness. Purify us by Your precious blood that was shed for the salvation of the whole world, especially this servant who has knelt down before You and takes refuge in Your abundant mercies. And by this holy oil which You have given to Your devotees and by the sign of the redeeming cross and by the help of Your Holy Spirit, hold us worthy to become chosen generation that ministers in the Kingdom and holy people and redeemed race. And may we please You in all things that are hidden and manifest. Receive our supplication and prayers, that we – sinners – have offered before You for this servant. Like Moses who pleased You and Samuel who loved You, and John the Forerunner whom You had cosen, may we be held worthy to become the ministers of Your Law. May we become Yours and may we anoint with this oil as You have commanded and may we put off every pagan act and the worldly pleasure, and renounce every defilement of sin and live in uprightness. Now and forever. Amen.

Psalm 51.

Have mercy upon me, God, in your loving kindness; in the abundance of your mercy blot out  my sin.

Wash me thoroughly from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my fault and my sins are before me always.

Against you only have I sinned and done evil in your sight, that you may be justified in your words and vindicated in your judgement. For I was born in guilt and in sin did my mother conceive me.

But you take pleasure in truth and you have made known to me the secrets of your wisdom. Sprinkle me with your hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Give me the comfort of your joy and gladness, and the bones which have been humbled shall rejoice. Turn away your face from my sins and blot out all my faults.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew your steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence and take out your Holy Spirit from me.

But restore to me your joy and your salvation n and let your glorious spirit sustain me; that I may teach the wicked your way and sinners may return to you.

Deliver me from blood, O God, God of my salvation, and my tongue shall praise your justice. Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall sing your praise.

For you do not take pleasure in sacrifices; by burnt offerings you are not appeased. The sacrifice of God is a humble spirit, a heart that is contrite God will not despise.

Do good in your good pleasure to Sion and build up the walls of Jerusalem. Then shall you be satisfied with sacrifices of truth and with whole burnt-offerings; then shall they offer bullocks upon your altar. And to you belongs the praise, O God.

Enyono of Ps. 51: In the tune Shmayone shubho zomrin

  1. As I remember my sins, I do not dare to look above. With contrite heart, I implore: Have mercy upon me, O God!
  2. Like the Ninevites who repented, I offer up repentance. Like the sinful women in Simon’s house, with sorrow, I shed tears. Have mercy upon me, O God!
  3. Like the sinful woman I implore and like the publican, I beseech and like the (Prodigal) son who wasted away his possessions, I have sinned against heaven and before You. Have mercy upon me, O God!
  4. Come for my help, O Compassionate One! Strengthen me to keep Your commandments and may I find mercy before You at the time of the judgement, O Lord! Have mercy upon me, O God!
  5. God whose door is opened both for the good and the wicked, open the door of Your compassion for me and receive my repentance! Have mercy upon me, O God!
  6. I have fallen into the snares of the evil one and the world has seduced me with its pleasures. Now I have returned to Your mer4cies. May I not go back with sorrow. Have mercy upon me, O God!
  7. Brethren and fathers, I have taken refuge in you. Supplicate for me, that God may have mercy upon me. Have mercy upon me, O God!
  8. Christ who offered Himself on the tree for the sinners, protect me by Your cross O Lord, for behold, I have bowed down before your greatness. Have mercy upon me, O God!
  9. Have pity on me O Lord, have pity on me! Forfgive my debts and sins and do not remember mu iniquities, O Merciful One! Have mercy upon me, O God!
  10. O Judge, whose judgement is upright, to whom all things hidden are manifest, in Your upright judgement, do not condemn me when the hidden things will be revealed. Have mercy upon me, O God!    Shubho- Men olam.
  11. May the Virgin, the God-bearer, prophets and the martyrs be a fortress for me against the Evil One and his armies. Have mercy upon me, O God!

Quqliun in the first tune [Ps. 32:1-4]

Blessed is He, whose sins is not reckoned by the Lord, halleluiah w halleluiah, and who has no deceit in his heart.

Since I kept silence, my bones had worn out, halleluiah w halleluiah, as I was mourning all the day.

For your hand was heavy upon me day and night, halleluiah w halleluiah, mortal pain came back to my heart.

Shubho-Men Olam.

‘Eqbo in the tune soged lok moryo

 From the abyss you rescued the prophet Jonah, O Lover of man! Now also, by Your grace, draw me out from the my debts that are numerous.

Stomen kalos


            Glory to the door of mercies, which is opened for the sinners and to the harbor of life which gave life to the mortals, to that purifying hyssop which cleanses the defiled, the sprinkling of purification which whitens the polluted, the censer of reconciliation which offered himself to his father as a fragrant incense and reconciled Him, to Him befits glory and honour….


Lord God, who receives the prayers and answers the requests, receive our incense like the sacrifice of Abel, the first born. Be pleased with our service O Lord, as the service of Enoch was pleasing to You, and be pleased with ‘the fruit of our lips’ (Hosea 14:2) and as you were pleased with the fragrance of the sacrifice of Noah the Just. May our prayer be pleasing to you as the faith of our father Abraham, your friend. May the Evil One, the enemy of your Church be ashamed as he was put to shame before Job the Just. May hard blows and rods of wrath be withheld from us, as plague was withheld from the people of Israel by the incense of the noble priest Aaron. May there be the announcement of life and salvation by our service, as the priest Zachariah, in his service,  received the news regarding  John, your preacher. Absolve O Lord, our sins by the word of your mouth as in the case of Zachaeus the publican. May our supplication be received before you as the prayer of Simon the head of the blessed apostle was accepted. Forgive our manifold sins as you have forgiven the sinful woman. May your mercies be shone forth upon us as you had mercy upon the woman who was afflicted,  and was healed from her pains. Drive away from us the power of the enemy as ypu had casted out the evil from the daughter of the Cananite woman. Grant us victory before you as for Daniel the handsome one. Loosen from us the bonds of the vicious demons as the bonds of Hananiah and his friends were loosened inside the glowing furnace. Grant O Lord, your priests and deacons  to do and to fulfill your will. May the shepherds tend your flock with devotion according to your word. May they walk in your holy paths and keep your supreme and life-giving commandments.

               Now your congregation beseeches mercies and compassion and offer up supplication in this moment. May your Church be exalted by its children. May your people be redeemed victoriously. May your lambs be tended in your meadows and may your ewes be satisfied by your blessings. Have pity upon us all O Lord, who have compassion on the sinners, and who is pleased with the penitents. Have pity on us according to your abundant mercies and have mercy upon us. Be pleased with us O Lord, and receive our incense and prayers. Sanctify our souls and bodies. Absolve us and our faithful departed. May we offer up praise and thanksgiving to you and to your Father and to your Holy Spirit. Now and always….

Qolo. Malkuth rawmo

  1. Christ the king, at the door of your compassion I knock at every hour, and from your rich treasure house I ask for compassion and mercy; ion you, Lord, I have taken refuge, help me; I have confessed you, do not put me to shame; you are my hope and my strong protection.
  2. I ask for mercy , I beg for compassion from you, Son of the Good; deliver me, from Gehenna, because your body and your blood are hidden within me and I have not denied your cross; do not deny me on that day when you judge all the nations. Shubho.
  3. O miserable soul how long will you forget the day of judgement. Be diligent in repentance and beseech mercies and forgiveness and gain good provision for the way and choose the garments for the feast, lest you will have to stand naked before the bridegroom. Men Olam.
  4. Who has given men the ‘sources of tears’ and contrite heart? I sat down and wept with better sorrow, for the years of my life that I have passed vainly without any profit. I had become contemptible by my wicked deeds. Moryo rahem alain

            Receive this incense from our hands O Lord God, and sanctify this oil and make it a sign (rozo) of your ineffable grace, so that it may become for all those who are anointed with it, healing of the soul and the body and for the redemption from ‘the deluge of sin’, as it happened for those who were in the ark of Noah the Just, who sent a dove, which returned with an olive leaf in its beak, as the promise of reconciliation and perfect redemption from the deluge and the sign  (rozo) of grace. You who bring forth the fruits of Olive for the perfection of your didvine and holy mysteries (roze), bless this oil by the power and the overshadowing of your Holy Spirit, that it may become incorruptible grace, sign of victory, renewal of the soul and the body, deliverance from every demoniac operation and protection from evil for those who are anointed with it in faith, or receive from it, Father, Son and the Holy Sprit, now and always forever and ever.


Hymn: Paul the blessed…

Romans 15:1-7:

We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves; let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to edify him. For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached thee fell on me”. For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Pethgomo: Halleluiah w halleluiah. Have mercy upon me according to your grace and blot out my sis according to your abundant mercies.

[Luke 18:35-43] : As he drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging, and hearing a multitude going by, he inquired what this meant. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by”. And he cried,  “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, “Son of david, have mercy on me!”  And Jesus stopped, and commanded him to be brought to him; and when he came near, he asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”  He said, “Lord, let me receive my sight.”  And Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith had made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed him, glorifying God; and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.


Deacon: Let us all stand diligently and in a voice pleasing to God, answer saying:

 People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: That this oil may become gladdening oil, sanctifying oil, royal garment, the weapon that resists every power of the enemy, let us beseech the Lord!

People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: That this oil may grant joy of healing, eternal exultation renewal from the oldness of sin and deliverance from fear to all those who are anointed with it. By it, may they become glorious with purity and holiness like the stars of the sky. That it may become for them remission of debts, forgiveness of sins and healing and restoration of the soul and body, let us beseech the Lord.    People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: May it be for them, O Lord, strong weapon and the fortress that guards  your compassion. Bless + all the dwellings and houses of the faithful, and this house and those who dwell here that they may hold your truth and keep your commandments. By your victorious cross protect them from harms. Help them and bless them. Make to dwell your peace and concord among them. We beseech you and we supplicate you. People: Kyrie eleison.

Now the chief celebrant marks three crosses on the forehead of the sick saying:

          May you be purified and sanctified  and may be forgiven to you the debts and sins that you have committed voluntarily or involuntarily, knowingly or unknowingly. May all evil thoughts and satanic acts be blot out from you in the name of the Father + (Amen) and of the Son + (Amen) and of the Holy Spirit for life eternal + (Amen).

Concluding Prayer

Lord God Merciful and Compassionate, who  has pity on the creation – the work of his hands- the One who knows the hidden things and examines the hearts, who, on account of his love for humanity came down from the height of his holiness, and became man in order to redeem Adam and his children from corruption and decay. Again you have said: ‘I have come not to call the just but the sinners to repentance’. You have discovered Adam, the lost coin. Again you  have said: ‘I will not cast out him who comes to me, but I shall give him eternal life’. You have told Mary, the sinful woman :’Your debts and sins are forgiven. Therefore, go in peace. Your faith has saved you’. And you gave her share in the eternal joy. Again You have said in your Holy Gospel that there will be greater joy in heaven for aa sinner who repents, than for ninety-nine righteous who have not sinned.

          Look at us O Lord from the height of your holiness; forgive our sins and shower forth your Holy Spirit upon us! Bless + this servant who is asking your loving kindness for the remission of debts and the forgiveness of sins through our mediation – your servants who are mean and weak. By your love for humanity, receive his repentance. Forgive him all that he had sinned by word or deed, voluntarily or involuntarily, with knowledge or without knowledge. Purify him and sanctify him from all defilements, offences and iniquities. Protect and shelter him under the wings of your loving kindness and rescue him from all snares of the evil. Deliver him from all temptations and dangers. May your holy name be blessed and glorified by the prayer of your mother and all the saints. Now and forever and ever. Amen.


Qauma. The priest makes three signs of the cross over the qandile in the name of the Holy trinity and lights the wick in the middle. Then he says the opening prayer.

Priest: Shubho.  People :And upon us…


Opening Prayer

     Lord God, who by Your abundant mercies heals the infirmity of the souls and the bodies, bless + this oil, that it may become for those who are anointed with it, healing and redemption from all evil passions and sickness, and defilements of the soul and the body, and deliverance from every evil. May Your most holy name be glorified, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit., now and forever and ever. Amen.

Quqliun in the Second tune: [Ps. 18:1-3; 7]

I love you O Lord, my strength and my trust halleluiah, my house of refuge and my Saviour.

The Mighty God in whom I trust, halleluiah, my support and the horn of my salvation.

My glorious house of refuge halleluiah, I will call upon the Lord and I will be redeemed from my enemies.

From His temple He heard my voice halleluiah, my cry before Him reached His ears [Ps. 18:7].

Shubho – Men olam


         Deep in the bottom of the abyss, with the prophet Jonah, I cry out; the currents have surrounded me, and the rapacious animal devoured me up. Though I am drowned deep in the ocean, I shall cry out saying, ‘Deliver me from corruption, O Jesus, the pride of my life!’.

Stomen kalos


           Good Lord, who is pleased with the coming back of the sinners who knock at his door, and who do not withhold his mercies and compassion from us, we beseech you and supplicate your our Lord God and savior Jesus Christ. Heal and restore the soul and body of this servant (N) who has fallen in the affliction of sin and severe illness. Have pity on us all by the prayers of the One who bore You and all Your saints, now and at all feats, moments and times, all the days of our lives, forever. Amen.


  Lord God Merciful, we beseech you and we supplicate your loving kindness, through this fragrant incense that we weak and sinners offer before you for this Your servant (N) who has inclined before your greatness and ask you remission of debts and forgiveness of sins and fro the rest of the believers who are now standing before you. Absolve and forgive his sins and iniquities, that he has committed voluntarily or involuntarily, with knowledge or without knowledge, by swearing, cursing, by lie or by intoxication, by gluttony, by eating or drinking, by looking with the eyes, or by hearing with the ears, by smelling with the nose, by talking with the tongues, by the thoughts of the heart or by approaching sorcerers, by mingling with heretics, in wakefulness or in sleep, or by every act of sin that Satan finds to make our race to sin. Absolve, loose, blot out, make to pass and forgive the sins and offences of all men who have confessed you, especially of this your servant who kneels down before you and asks you remission of debts and forgiveness of sins. O Lord God Almighty, absolve him by your grace by the ‘Amen’ of the fiery ones and by the ‘Amen’ of the angels and the archangels.  O Lord God Almighty, absolve our debts by your grace and forgive our faults by your loving kindness, by the ‘Amen’ of the (heavenly) hosts, and by the ‘Amen’ of the ‘authorities’( Shultone). O Lord God Almighty, by your grace and mercies, absolve us and this your servant who is kneeling down before you, and by the ‘Amen’ of the thrones (mawthbe) and the principalities (morawothe). O Lord God absolve him by your grace and by the ‘Amen’ of the Cherubim and by the ‘Amen’ of the Seraphim. O Lord God, absolve him by your grace and by the ‘Amen’  of all the heavenly congregations. May all the just and the fathers cry out eternal praise in their rents for our sake. May we hear the voice of the remission of our sins from the glorious throne of your honour, the chariot of the Cherubim to which the four faced living beings are yoked – the roaring lion, the bleating ox, the crying eagle and the man who bear your image and likeness, who worship and glorify you the eternal Essence, seated upon the chariot and the living wheels. By You, O Lord, may we and he receive remission of debts and forgiveness of sins. We will offer up praise, thanksgiving and adoration to you and to your Father and to Your Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

Qolo : Eno no nuhro shariro

  1. By the oil with which the King David, son of Jesse was anointed, Samuel made him head, leader and ruler of Israel. With it Moses anointed Aaron that he might minister in the holy of holies. This oil is blessed like that in n the horn of unction and that of the sinful woman in Simon’s house.
  2. By his compassion, God blessed the bottle of the sinful woman and told her: ‘ Your sins are forgiven’, and blotted out all her iniquities. May He bless this oil and (this) house and those who have offered it and those who are anointed with it in true faith. By it may their debts be remitted. Shubho.
  3. God who do not keep your mercy from sinners who approach you, keep and remove from us in your compassion the scourge and rods of wrath; give us months of joy and years of abundance and cast down the enemy before us by the great sign of your cross, that we may give thanks to you for your grace. Men olam.
  4. God who heard the prayer of the son of Mathai (=Jonah) in the sae and commanded the mighty fish and in three days it cast him up; hear our prayer and be reconciled with us and respond in your mercy to our requests; and if we have angered you, there are those who will reconcile you with us, the just who died for love of you. Moryo rahem alain.

We worship you the path of life; we glorify you the good company of our souls; we give you thanks, the lamp of our feet and the light of our paths, Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ! Receive from our feeble hands this fragrant incense which we offer before your greatness for our fathers and brethren in every place, both departed and the living and for this brother who takes refuge in your mercies and asks from you remission of debts and forgiveness of sins and healing and restoration for his body. Accompany us and them in every place that we go and stay with us in every place that we dwell. Hold this your servant worthy of your mercies and compassion. O Lord, the guardian of all devotees. Mark all of us with your victorious cross. By your grace, deal with us according to your mercies. May the angel of peace and concord who led the Israelite camp in sea and on earth tread our paths and prepare  our ways and deliver us from all harms whether hidden or manifest, now and always. Amen.

Again zumoro (Bhoovilashesham)

The chosen apostles who were sent by God to the whole world, went out and preached the Gospel of the Son among the gentiles and at the ends of the earth. They preached the Kingdom of God, saying, ‘ Blessed are those who believe’.

[James 5: 10-20] As an example of suffering and patience, brethren, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Behold, we call those happy who were steadfast. Youn have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful. But above all, my brethren, do not sear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath, but let your yes be yes and your no be no, that you may not fall under condemnation.

              Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let his sing praise. Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and id he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess yopur sins to one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. Elijah was a man of like nature with ourselves and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth its fruits.

Gospel :

Pethgomo : Halleluiah w halleluiah. Have mercy upon me O God, for my soul trust in ypu and under the shadow of your wings, may I be protected until my troubles pass away.

[Luke 10: 25-37] And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said to him, “What is written  in the law? How do you read? And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself”. And he said to him, “You have answered right; do this, and you will live”.

               But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “ And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied, “ A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, who striped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as e journeyed, came to where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And the next day he took our two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back’. Which of those three, do you think, proved neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed mercy on him.” And Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise”.

Deacon’s Litany

Deacon: Let us all stand well with diligence and in a voice pleasing to God, answer saying: People: Kyrie lesion.

Deacon: Give us O God the father your peace and concord and grant the forgiveness of sins to this servant for whom we supplicate you and we beseech you. People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: That this oil may be blessed by the power of the grace of your Holy Spirit and by it there shall be remission of debts and the forgiveness of sins, consolation, healing and recovery from all sickness of the soul and the body for all who are anointed with it in true faith, we supplicate you. And we beseech you. People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: By your compassion, visit this your servant (N) O Lord, for whom we supplicate Your Lordship. By your mercies, remove his iniquities and heal his pains and ailments by your abundant loving kindness. We beseech You. People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: O Lord, abundantly merciful, may your mighty and invincible and all powerful right hand protect our souls and bodies from all harms and enmity of evil men and unclean demons by the intercessions of all the saints who had pleased you. We beseech you.  People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: Guard this dwelling O Lord and all dwellings and houses of the true believers from every harm. Grant those who dwell in them virtues and your blessings, and remission of debts and forgiveness of sins, that they may praise and glorify you  always for the showering forth of your gifts for them. We beseech you.  People: Kyrie eleison.

Now the celebrant marks three crosses on the forehead of the sick and says:

May you be purified and sanctified  and may the debts and sins that you have committed voluntarily or involuntarily with knowledge or without knowledge be forgiven, and be blotted out from you all evil thoughts, and satanic deeds, in the name of the Father (Amen); and of the Son (Amen); and of the Holy Spirit (Amen), for the life forever and ever. Amen.

And again the celebrant marks three crosses on the chest, saying:

May you be purified and sanctified…..


Concluding Prayer

Our Lord, God and savior Jesus Christ, by your abundant mercies, you have healed our pains and infirmities of   the souls and the bodies. Stretch forth your mighty right hand and bless this oil and those who are anointed with it. Heal this your servant from all illness and infirmities of the soul and the body. Forgive all his faults and offences by word, deed or thought and purify him from all sinful defilements and iniquities. Deliver him all the days of his life from all incidents that are harmful and causing temptations. Make him one who obeys your commandments and fulfills your laws. Do not leave him that his enemies may rejoice over him.  By your grace heal all those who are anointed with this oil. May we all find your compassion on the great day of your coming, by your grace and mercies, now and forever and ever. Amen.


Qauma: the celebrant makes three sign of the cross over the qandilo in the name of the Holy Trinity and lights the wick on the western side.

Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Deacon: And upon us, weak and sinful, mercy and compassion in both worlds forever, Amen.

Opening Prayer

Lord God Almighty, Mighty ever more, Most Holy, bless and sanctify this oil and those who are anointed with it in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the  Holy Spirit + for life eternal. Amen.

Quqliun: [Ps. 65: 1-2; 6; 10; 12]

To you befits praise God in Zion halleluiah to you shall vows be performed; hear my prayer!

Answer us, O God our savior halleluiah the hope of all the ends of the earth.

In glory you remembered the earth halleluiah you made it calm and abundantly prosperous.

By the showers may the vegetation grow up and be blessed halleluiah,  by your grace, bless the crown of the year.

Shubho – men olam.


          Do not withhold your gift from the sinners who call upon you, O Lord! Do not shut the door of mercies before the penitents who knock at it. But O Compassionate Lord, answer them top all their requests. With the wise virgins, holding the lamps, may they enter the bridal chamber with you and offer up praise to your grace, O Compassionate One and the Lover of man!

Stomen kalos


       To that good God who rejoices in the sinners who knock at the door, and exults in the penitents who are looking for his trust,  and who receives the errands when they return to him, cherishes the dispersed when they assemble in his presence, to the Good One befits glory and honour and adoration, at this time of the anointing of his servant and at all times, now and forever. Amen.



Our Lord Jesus Christ, we knock at the door of your mercies and beseech forgiveness of sins and debts from your treasure house full of blessings. Come O Lord, now for the help of your servant! Hear our prayers according to Your good will, for you had given authority to your holy apostles saying, ‘if you retain the sins of men, they will be retained, and if you forgive, they will be forgive; if you bind, they will be bound in heaven and on earth; if you loose, they will be loosed in heaven and on earth’. Therefore God who alone are innocent and good, absolve, blot out and forgive the faults of your servant who is now standing before you, as you had received Mary the sinful, who anointed your feet with oil and wiped them with her hair. And  you told her, ‘Your sins are forgiven, for you have loved me more.

                        Thus we supplicate and beseech you to forgive our sins and the sins of this your servant (which he had committed) voluntarily or involuntarily, with knowledge or without knowledge, by oaths, by lie, disputes disobedience or by any other manner,  that Satan is able to make human race to sin. You O Lord, who stretched forth your hands on the cross for the absolution and salvation of men, absolve  our debts and forgive our offences and make us worthy to stand at your right hand side, along with the elect who had done your will. We will offer up glory and thanksgiving to you and to your Father and to your Holy Spirit, now and always, forever and ever. Amen.

Qolo: Mshiho natrih l’edthok

  1. The sinful woman purchased fine oil from the merchant and went to Simon’s house in order to receive remission of her debts. Simon rebuked her, saying, ‘Go away, for you have gone astray’. Glory to Him who said, ‘ Go, O woman! Your sins are forgiven’. Glory to Him who forgives the sins of as all and to His Sender.
  2. In parables spoke our Saviour and in allegories and in dark sayings, and he said : the kingdom of heaven is like those virgins who took lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom and the bride; and thy slumbered and slept together. And there was a great cry: behold the bridegroom comes. The wise entered with him and the foolish remained at the door in great sorrow and with unutterable sighs. Shubho.
  3. The only begotten Word of the father composed parables for our help, and he said: There was a rich man who lived luxuriously in pleasure and a poor man Lazarus desired to be satisfied with food; and when he died the angels carried him to the bosom of our father Abraham. And the rich man also died and went to torment and inherited woe forever in Gehenna, because he had no compassion on his own fellow. Men olam.
  4. The kingdom on high is like a man who made a feast and invited the people to come to it; and they would not come and enjoy it. And he sent his servants to summon all the peoples that they should rejoice with him; and they assembled from all parts and the house was filled with guests. And he went out to see them and found among them a man clothed in soiled garments not befitting the house of feasting. And he commanded them to cast out him into the darkness.

    Lord God, Lord of every (sort of) healing, Giver of all blessings and holiness, and one who grants recovery, who is always diligent about the salvation of men, do not withhold from us your divine helps. Lord God, overshadow your right hand full of mercies and compassion, healing and consolation and help upon this your servant (N) who beseeches recovery and healing of the soul and the body. Remove from him O Lord, pains and sufferings and ailments. Remove from him adversities and difficulties and put to death sufferings and temptations in him and cloth him with power, healing, salvation and deliverance. Support him that he may stand up firmly. Give him the help by your mighty right hand. Forgive his debts and sins.  Make a good sign (‘otho) with him according to your manifold grace and abundant mercies., that he may give thanks and worship and praise you and your Father and your Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.


Paul the blessed apostle….

[1 Cor. 6:1-5] When one of you has a grievance against a brother, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, matters pertaining to this life? If then you have such cases why do you lay them before those who are least esteemed by the church? I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no man among you wise enough to decide between members of the brotherhood, but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers?

Hullolo and Pethgomo

Halleluiah w halleluiah. Turn O Lord save my soul and save me because of your grace, halleluiah.


[Mathew 9:36-10:4] When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.

              And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every infirmity. The names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebe’dee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Mathew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.


Deacon: Let us all stand diligently and in a voice pleasing to God answer, saying:

People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: For this servant of God (N) and for his thanksgiving and that, by this oil, he may be sanctified and purified and healed and absolved from all defilements of the body and the spirit and from all impurities of sin, let us beseech the Lord.  People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: Glory to you O God who is pleased with the coming back of the sinners, forgive your servant (N) all his faults and grant him to receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  We beseech you. People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon:  God, Giver of helps and the Sustainer of all, ‘bless the crown of the year by your grace’ (Ps. 65:12) which is full and which satisfies all. Establish eternal peace and concord in your holy churches. We beseech you.  People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: Our Lord God, who knows the need of your creation, grant us good weather and abundance of fruits, for the eyes of every flesh look towards you, and you sustain them with good weather. We beseech you.  People :Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: God who is merciful and abundantly gracious and compassionate, bless your priests and deacons and all the children of the Holy Church. Make to dwell your grace and heavenly blessing in this house and in all houses of the believers. Protect and redeem those who dwell in them from every harm of the soul, body and the spirit. We beseech you. People : Kyrie eleison.

Now the celebrant marks three crosses on the forehead of the sick with oil, saying:

     May you be purified and sanctified and may the debts and sins that you had committed voluntarily or involuntarily, with knowledge or without knowledge be forgiven, and be blotted out from you all evil passion and satanic acts, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit, for life eternal. Amen.

Saying the same prayer, the priest marks three crosses on the chest:

In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + for life eternal. Amen.

Again saying the same prayer, the priest marks crosses on the knees – two on the right knee and one on the left :

In the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + for life eternal. Amen.

Concluding Prayer :

Lord, God, savior and Almighty, great King of glory, who chastises, but do not hand over to death, who raises the fallen, and overthrows the thrones of the haughty and the arrogant, we beseech you. By your abundant mercies that were showered forth upon us, have pity on your weak and humble servants, marked in your Holy Name and who have received your holy body and your propitiatory blood. Have pity on us and also upon this servant (N)., O Lord who now takes refuge in your Holy Name. Make to dwell your blessings upon him and shower forth upon him your mercies and compassion. Heal him from all pains and ailments of the soul and the body. Deliver him from the disturbances and oppressions of demons and evil spirits, by the power of your Holy Spirit and by the sign of your victorious and redeeming cross. By the prayers  of Holy Mary, your mother and of the prophets, apostles, martyrs and saints. Amen.


Qauma . The celebrant makes the sign of the cross over the qandilo in the name of the Holy trinity and lights the candle on the left hand side.

Priest: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Deacon: And upon us, weak and sinful, mercy and compassion in both worlds forever, Amen.


Opening Prayer

Lord God Almighty, the One who forgives iniquities of men and who does not desire the death of the sinner, extend your right hand and bless + this oil like the horn of anointing, and the vase of the sinful woman. By it make the healing of the soul and the restoration of the members of the body of those who are anointed with it. In the name of the Father + Amen; and of the Son + Amen; and of the Holy Spirit + for the life eternal. Amen.

Quqliun [ Ps 96:7-10].

Ascribe to the Lord, O races of the people haaleluiah, ascribe glory and honour to the Lord.

Ascribe honour to the name of the Lord halleluiah, bring offerings and enter his courts.

Worship the Lord in his holy array halleluiah, tremble before him all the earth!

Say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns’ halleluiah; the earth is established, it shall never be moved.

Shubho – men olam.

‘eqbo; In the tune kalath malko

Woe to me, for I am known under the name of  good and diligent servant, being a wicked and lazy servant. I taught (others), but did not learn. I gave others to drink, but I am thirsty. O Good One, do not disregard  me at the time of the reward; by your mercies, reckon me among the labourers of the last hour.

Stomen kalos


    Maker and founder of the creation who abundantly showers forth his mercies upon the sinners who call upon him, be pleased with (us) O Lord now by the remission of our debts and sins and of this servant who stands before you with fear and trembling. May your whole congregation, redeemed with your cross, offer up praise and thanksgiving to you, now and all the days, forever and ever, Amen.


We supplicate and beseech you O Lord God, to heal our pains and ailments, both hidden and manifest, as well as those of this your servant (N) who is looking for your mercies for the forgiveness of his sins. Shower froth O Lord your mercies upon him and upon the entire human race that your right hand had fashioned. Pacify the kings and the rulers and give them the love for the faith in you.  Enrich them by almsgiving and fulfill the needs of the sick and the afflicted.    Send forth gladness and consolation to the widows and the orphans. Visit them as the merciful father. Grant peace and concord to those who are afar and near and who are thrown in dangers of the sea or the land. Attract those who are alien to the true faith   to Your Gospel. Grant patience and endurance to those who are in true faith. Protect true Christians of all ranks. Bless your priests and your deacons and this your servant (N) +, for whom we supplicate. By your mercies, absolve and give rest to all the faithful departed who have fallen asleep  in your hope and are looking for the day of your manifestation. We will offer up glory and thanksgiving to you and to your father and to your Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Qolo: moreh d-ramsho

  1. Have mercy upon me because of your grace and forgive my debts by your loving kindness, O Physician who healed the ‘defilements’ of Adam, heal my defilement by your compassion.
  2. Since I have sinned I beseech you. Absolve my debts by the love of your Father. Do not reject me O Lord at the terrible moment, for your body and blood are in me as a pledge. Shubho.
  3. Satan reclined at the door in order to prevent the harlot from entering. She trampled his neck and entered. And when she entered, she received forgiveness. Men olam.
  4. Moses, Aaron and the Levites had fallen asleep; and the oil disappeared from the people. This oil is blessed in the name of the father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Glory to you. Praise to you; who, being not needy, nor deficient, was ministered by the needy and the defiled. Lord of glory was pleased that his name shall be honoured by the fragrance of spices. The plants worship you with their fragrance and those who offer them give you thanks, O Maker of the world. Therefore, by your grace, be pleased O Lord with the fragrant (incense) of those who offer. By your loving kindness, absolve those who offer. Have pity and have mercy upon all because of your adorable name that has been invoked upon us., O Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.


Zumoro : Paul the blessed apostle….

[Romans 13:11-14] : Besides this you know what hour it is, how it is full time now for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far gone, the day is at hand. Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light; let us conduct ourselves becomingly as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in quarrelling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to glorify its desires.


Hulolo –Pethgomo: Halleluiah w halleluiah. I have put my trust in the Lord, for he turned towards me and heard my supplication. Halleluiah. 

[Mathew 15:21-31].  And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from the region came out and cried,” Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon. But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying after us”, He answered, “ I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me”. And he answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs”. She said, “Yes Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table”. Then Jesus answered her, “ O woman, great is your faith! But it done for you as you desire”. And her daughter was healed instantly. And Jesus went on from there and passed along the Sea of Galilee. And he went up on the mountain, and sat down there. And great crowds came to him, bringing with them lame, the maimed, the blind, the dumb, and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them, so that the throng wondered, when they saw the dumb speaking, the maimed whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel.


Deacon:   Let us all stand diligently and in a voice pleasing to God, answer, saying

People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: For the remission of debts and the forgiveness of sins of your servant (N), we beseech you O Lord.  People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: For the children of the holy Church and the priests and the deacons in it and for all the clerical orders, let us beseech the Lord.   People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: Reveal and show your grace O Lord, towards all those who, for the sake of your Holy name, help the poor and participate in the needs of the afflicted. Be to them the One who rewards blessings in both worlds. We beseech you.   People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon : be O Lord the One who rewards blessings to all believers who participate in the support and the needs of your servants. Bless them O Lord, with your heavenly and eternal blessings. We beseech you.   People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: For the good remembrance of  our fathers, brethren, leaders, departed and for all the faithful departed, that their debts may be absolved and their faults may be forgiven and that they may find rest in the tents of light in the kingdom of God, let us beseech the Lord.  People: Kyrie eleison.

Now the celebrant marks three crosses on the forehead of the sick, saying:

         May you be purified and sanctified, and may your debts and sins that you have committed voluntarily or involuntarily, with knowledge or without knowledge, be forgiven, and may all evil thoughts and satanic acts be blotted out in the name of the Father + Amen; and of the Son + Amen; and of the Holy Spirit + Amen; for the life eternal. Amen.

Again the celebrant marks three crosses on the chest of the sick and says the same prayer:

May you be purified….

Then he marks two crosses on the right knee and one on the left and says: May you be purified…

Then he marks two crosses on the right hand and one on the left and says: May you be purified..





Concluding Prayer (hutomo)

Lord, Good One, Compassionate, Lover of men, abundantly gracious, and True, who healed and removed the pains of the sick, restored the paralyzed among the ungrateful people, and gave them life from the death of sins and gave your holy apostles the authority over evil spirits to expel them and to heal the pains and ailments and to forgive sins. Through them you have given us – the weak – this authority. Bless this oil and those who are anointed with it in true faith. Absolve O Lord, their debts and forgive their sins that they committed willingly or unwillingly, with knowledge or without knowledge. Purify them from all defilements of the soul and the body. Sanctify them by the power of your Holy Spirit. Enlighten their minds with the splendor of your divine knowledge. Make them worthy of the delights of your kingdom with all your saints. For you are the house of refuge for the persecuted and the rest for those labored and become weary, the consolation for the mournful and the one who raises the fallen. To you we offer up glory and thanksgiving, and to your Father and to your Holy Spirit. Now forever and ever.


Qauma: Then the celebrant makes three signs of the cross over the qandilo and lights the wick on the right hand side.

Priest:  Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Deacon:  And upon us, weak and sinful, mercy and compassion in both worlds forever. Amen.


Opening Prayer

                In your name O God the Father and in the name of your only begotten Son, and in the name of your Holy Spirit, I sign this oil,  that you have created that it may become (means of) consolation for men. O Lord, as your only begotten Son had commanded his holy apostles and told them: In my name anoint with oil and heal those who are suffering with various illness, now also O Good Lord, and abundantly merciful, by the prayer of all your saints, overshadow upon (this oil) your invisible right hand, full of every help. Mingle your healing power in it, that from everyone who is anointed with it in faith, pains and ailments, both hidden and manifest, be blotted out, and unclean demons be expelled and all evil spirits and all sufferings of the soul and the body be removed from him. Make to dwell your perfect healing power in it and may your holy name be glorified by it. Now and always forever and ever. Amen.

Quqliun in the Fifth tune [Ps. 120:1-4).

In my affliction, I called upon the Lord halleluiah, and the Lord had answered me and saved my soul.

From the lips of the wicked halleluiah, and from deceitful tongues;

What shall the deceitful tongues halleluiah, what shall they give you, what shall they (give) you more.

The arrows of men are sharp halleluiah, like the glowing coals of the oak.

Shubho – men olam.


              I call upon you in high voice O Lord, from the disturbed sea of the world, in which the destructive animal of sin has swallowed me. O Good One, do not reject  my cry; but look (at me) from the height of your holiness. Hear the lamentation of my affliction and eliver my life, O Lover of man.

Stomen kalos


To that Holy One who sanctifies all, whom the watchers exalt and the angels worship, and by whom the whole creation was brought into existence and established and (by whom it) receives fullness and completion, to Him befits glory and honour and worship at this moment and all feasts and all the days of our lives, now and forever and ever. Amen.


       Glory to you; thanksgiving to you; honour to you; worship to you, our Great God and savior Jesus Christ, pure and undefiled, and Giver of all purity, who by his coming down and abasement towards humanity gave it life and confidence to return to you from the fall before the enemy. As remedy and medicine, you have prescribed repentance that (the humanity) shall be lifted up towards your divinity You gave authority to your holy apostles and to the priestly order which succeeds them that whatever they bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever they loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. If they forgive the sins of anyone, they shall be forgiven to him. Thus you granted freedom from the bonds of sins to all those who are fallen in faults and transgressions and take refuge in repentance and turning back towards you.

           O Lord, by your abundant mercies and the grace of your Sender, and by the indwelling of your Holy Spirit, grant absolution, freedom, forgiveness, perfect and complete purification to this humble soul (N) from all sin, and faults of the body and the soul, that he had committed with knowledge or without knowledge, voluntarily or involuntarily, by thought, word or act, whether secretly or manifestly in different ways. With the inclination of the neck and humble mind, and tears of repentance before your glory, sins by means of this divine service, he beseeches forgiveness of sins  from your mercies. Raise him before you pure, undefiled, and holy. Protect him firm and without fault all the days of his life. May he stand before your terrible and awesome throne with confidence and joy and sing glory to your Majesty. For you are Good and abundantly merciful, compassionate and the One who desires the coming back of the sinners. On account of all your favours that you had shown and you are showing towards your creation, we will offer up glory, honour, exaltation and thanksgiving to you and to your father and to your Living and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Qolo: l-yamo d-rahamaik hoyar no

  1. Lovely was the voice of the sinful woman, when she said to the seller of ointments: give me oil and take gold in payment; give me oil of the best, that I may mix it with the tears of my eyes, and I will go and anoint the first-born from on high, and I trust in God that by this oil, which I have taken from you, my sins and offences will be forgiven. When she took the oil and went, our Lord saw her faith, halleluiah, and forgave her offences.
  2. Look, Lord, upon my weakness because I have sinned much and have angered you and I do not know in whom I may find refuge. I approached the physicians and they spent their medicines on me and the abcess remains infected and there is none to bind it up. I heard of you, good physician, that you had many medicines and that, he receives help who approaches you. By the love of the Father who begot you and by the prayer of her who bore you, halleluiah, pardon my offences. Shubho.
  3. The voice of our savior was pleasant when he said to the sinners: Come and take delight in the Gospel and be saved. I am the true planter who showers forth in the thirsty land rain of life and the spiritual drink. Let everyone who is thirsty come to me, and drink from the source of life, halleluiah, and have his debts remitted. Men olam.
  4. On the sea of mercies I gaze, God, the only Son, because my offences are many and my faults have gained strength. Sprinkle me with your cleansing hyssop and wash me in the tears of my eyes. I beseech you, Lord, by the love of him who begot you, do not let those who hate me mock me; but let the angels rejoice over one sinner who repents of his fault, and let them say: blessed is the Lord, whose door is open to those who repent, halleluiah, by night and by day.

          Lord God who have given knowledge and understanding to your servant to discern and to know their faults and to repent  and to fall down before you and to beseech your mercies. Receive O Lord, with compassion and mercy their repentance and confession. Absolve and forgive them all their faults by this fragrant incense that we offer before you. Grant them your grace and power, that they may flee completely from sin and authority and dominion of the adverse power. May they labour virtuously all the days of their life and become worthy of eternal blessings that will never cease nor perish. By the High Priest and Chief Shepherd and the Supporter of our souls, our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, Your Only Begotten Son, through Him and with Him, to you befits glory, honour and dominion with your holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.


Zumoro: Paul the blessed apostle….

[Ephesians 6:10-20]  Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication  or all the saints, and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

Hullolo and Pethgomo


Halleluiah w halleluiah. Chastise me O Lord, (but) do not deliver me to death. Halleluiah.

[Mathew 9:18-26]  While he was thus speaking to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him, saying, “ My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.” And Jesus rose and followed him, with his disciples. And behold, a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage  for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment; for she said to herself, “ If I only touch his garment, I shall be made well.” Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “ take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well”. And instantly the woman was made well. And when Jesus came to the ruler’s house, and saw the flute players, and the crowd making a tumult, he said, “Depart; for the girl is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him. But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose. And the report of this went through all that district.


Deacon: let us all stand diligently and in a voice pleasing to God answer, saying:  People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: Lord, truly good, Lord of the heavenly hosts, receive with your ineffable love for humanity the supplication, mourning and repentance and prayer of his servant who has inclined his head before the throne of your kingdom, and also grant to all those who are standing with us, the grace that helps and is useful for their salvation. We beseech you. People: Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: Make us O Lord by your grace and prepare us to be the guests of your wedding feast  and the friends in your bridal chamber, and new heirs of your kingdom. Make us worthy that with the wise virgins to welcome and to receive you with joy, and to meet you with lighted lamps, and to rejoice with you in eternal blessings. We beseech you. People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon: O heavenly Bridegroom, prepare us for the spiritual banquet with you and for the bridal chamber adorned with your light. Make us worthy that with the souls of the virgins to be enlightened before you (holding) the lamps of glorious rays. May we be led to the blessed abodes of Your Father’s  house. We beseech you. People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon:  Receive O Lord in your luminous heavenly realm our prayers, supplications and requests, that we your poor and sinful servants have offered before you at this time for those who have committed offences, those who went astray, lost, sick, afflicted, imprisoned, who are in bondage, poor and the needy and for the faithful departed. By your grace and your love for humanity, grant to each one of them the help that they really need. We beseech you.                 People : Kyrie eleison.

Deacon : Christ the true light, the child of the Eternal Light, who lightens the eternal life amazingly from the holy mountain, enlighten our minds with the rays of your eternally holy and divine light. Stretch forth your right hand full of blessings and bless your entire Orthodox and Holy Church, and keep your faithful children by the protection of your holy angels. And (bless) this house and those who dwell init, who have taken refuge in you, and have confessed your name. With your mighty right hand, bless and protect us and them from all harms of the soul and the body. Absolve our debts and forgive our faults. Give rest to our departed and to all the faithful departed in your tents of light with all the saints who have fulfilled your will. We beseech you. People : Kyrie eleison.

Bo’utho of Mar Jacob
  1. We call upon you, Lord our Lord, come to our help, hear our petition and have mercy on our souls.
  2. Lord our Lord, Lord of the Watchers and the angels, hear our petition and have mercy on our souls.
  3. We present before you the spiritual intercessors for our behalf, for behold we have angered you: First (we present) the Virgin Mother, who brought you forth, who had pleased you and you manifested from her saintly.
  4. The great Moses who divided the sea will supplicate you with us; Joshua, Son of Nun who withheld the sin and the moon in the firmament, and the prophets, apostles, the blessed martyrs who have placed their neck for affliction because of your love, will beseech you, O Lord!
  5. We supplicate you for the children of the Holy Church, that you shall reward them with blessings when you come (again). Raise them to life, renew them and gladden them, and in the resurrection, make them to recline with your saints.
  6. The Virgin Mother who brought you forth praises you O Lord, as well as the blessed choir of the prophets, apostles and the martyrs. By their prayers, have pity on the weak, visit the sick, absolve the dead who have fallen asleep in your hope. Glory to you!
  7. We beseech your mercies O Lord, at that moment when all hidden things will be revealed, have mercy upon us.


Now the celebrant marks three crosses on the forehead of the sick, saying:

May you be purified and sanctified, and may your debts and sins that you have committed voluntarily or involuntarily, with knowledge or without knowledge be forgiven, and may all evil thoughts and satanic acts be blotted out from you, in the name of the Father + and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit + for eternal life.

Again the celebrant marks three crosses on the breast, saying the same prayer:

May you be purified….

Again three crosses are marked on the feet, saying: May you be purified…..

Again three crosses on the knees, saying: May you be purified….

Again three crosses on his right hand, saying: May you be purified…..

Again three crosses on his left hand, saying: May you be purified…..

Then the penitent kneels down before the qandilo, turning towards the east and inclining his head. The celebrant anoints each of his members with oil, saying the same prayer(as above)



  1. 1. With the oil, the celebrant marks two crosses on the right eye and one on the left saying: May you be purified……
  2. Then three crosses on the nose, saying: May you be purified…..
  3. Then three crosses on the mouth, one cross on the upper lip, one on the tongue an done on the tongue [If the penitent is seriously ill, the crosses shall ,be marked on the chin]: May you be..

4.Then three crosses on the ears: two on the right ear and one on the left: May you be purified..

5.Then three crosses are marked on the abdomen: may you be purified…..

[Syriac text gives the following comments on the rite:

You shall know O honourable priest: You are anointing the penitent in the form of a cross, by the crosses that you sign each tome upon him. That is to say: firstly from the head to the feet; from his right hand to the left; secondly, from the eyes to the mouth, from the right ear to the left ear; thirdly on the abdomen. Thus at the end, you are completing three crosses upon the sick : one over the whole body, one over the face and one in the middle].

Again the priests shall stand on either sided of the penitent placing their right hand on his head. The chief celebrant shall place the Gospel, a cross and his right hand on the head (of the penitent) and shall say the following concluding prayer:


Concluding Prayer (Hutomo)

           Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, according to your promise, we lay our hand upon this servant (N) who is sick. For you have said to your holy apostles: ‘lay your hands upon the sick and they will be healed’. This O Lord, heal and make this servant wholesome by your holy cross and by your adorable Gospel.  We beseech your abundant loving kindness to receive the repentance of this your servant, as you had received the repentance of the King David and had forgiven his sins. Heal and make this your servant (N) wholesome and give relief to all his pains and sickness, of both body and soul.

           Our Lord and our God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, who was sent by the father for our salvation and you have healed our pains by your compassion and given relief to our infirmities by your grace. Heal this your servant (N) and grant him remission of debts and forgiveness of sins. Strengthen his to keep your commandments and enable him to observe your law. Grant him portion with all your servants and gladden him with imperishable blessings in the choirs of those who glorify you. We all will offer up glory and thanksgiving to you now and always forever and ever. Amen.

               Receive O Lord, the repentance of this your servant (N) and forgive his debts and sins, as you had received the sinful Mary in Simon’s house, and forgiven her debts and sins.  Receive O Lord, the repentance of this  your servant (N) as you had received the sacrifice of Abel, the Pure One. Receive O Lord, the repentance of this your servant (N) as you had received the prayers, supplication, petitions, offerings and the first-fruits of the just and the righteous. Receive O Lord, the repentance of this your servant (N) as you had received the blood of the martyrs in the combat of the confessors. Make him worthy to rejoice with them in the blessings promised to your saints in your heavenly kingdom.

                Receive O Lord, the repentance of this your servant (N) as you had received the repentance of Simon Kephas, who after having renounced you three times, repented and you received him. Forgive him all sins that he had committed before you. By your compassion, absolve all of us. Give rest to our faithful departed, who have  already fallen asleep in your faith with true faith. Absolve O Lord, and forgive all those who are implicated (in sins) with him, by word or by deed, whether little or great.

               Remember O Lord, this servant (N) and deliver him from all temptations and dangers. Gladden him by your salvation and bless him + and all his possessions. Grant us all and make us all worthy of a blessed end that is promised to men of peace. Give rest to our parents, brethren and leaders by the prayer of the God-bearer and all your saints, now and always, forever and ever. Amen.

               May your grace and your abundant mercies come and dwell upon all the children of the holy baptism, forever and ever. Amen.

Then Creed, Quqliun of the Mother of God the Saints.

At the end, the priests anoint with oil the forehead of each one of the believers who are present in the service.

[1] Syriac Text with Malayalam translation published by Kashisho Konat Abraham, Pampakuda, [No date].

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