دائرة الدراسات السريانية

2016- اللقاء الخامس

اللقاء الخامس للحوار الرسميّ بين الكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية والكنيسة الأنكليكانية


في الفترة الواقعة بين 24-29 تشرين الأول 2016، عقدت اللجنة العالمية للحوار الرسمي بين الكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية والكنيسة الأنكليكانية، اجتماعها الخامس في كاثوليكوسية كيليكيا للأرمن الأرثوذكس، أنطلياس – لبنان. مثّل الكنيسة السريانية السريانية في هذا اللقاء نيافة المطران مار بوليكربوس أوكين أيدين النائب البطريركي في هولندا، والربان روجيه-يوسف أخرس مدير دائرة الدراسات السريانية في بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للسريان الأرثوذكس.

خلال اللقاء، ناقش المجتمعون القسم الثاني من الاتّفاق حول الروح القدس، وموضوعه عمل الروح القدس في جعل الكنيسة واحدة، مقدّسة، جامعة ورسولية. ووقَّع الاتّفاق عن العائلة الأرثوذكسية الشرقية نيافة الأنبا بيشوي دمياط وكفر الشيخ ورئيس دير الشهيدة دميانة بالبراري وعن العائلة الأنكليكانية نيافة المطران غريغوري كاميرون، من كنيسة وايلز.

واتّفق المجتمعون على إرسال قسمَي الاتّفاق إلى الكنائس المشاركة في الحوار لإبداء ملاحظاتها، على أن يتمّ بلورة النسخة النهائية للاتّفاق وتوقيعه في الاجتماع القادم الذي تقرّر عقده بين 23-28 تشرين الأول 2017، في دبلن، إيرلندا.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنّه في الجلسة الافتتاحية، يوم الثلاثاء 25 تشرين الأول، استمع أعضاء اللجنة إلى كلمة قيّمة وجّهها إليهم قداسة الكاثوليكوس آرام الأول كشيشيان، تطرّق فيها إلى نظرته للعمل المسكوني، مشدّدًا على ضرورة عدم إغفال الإشكاليّات الاجتماعية الأخلاقية التي ما زالت موضوع خلاف بين العائلتين. كما فرحت اللجنة بزيارة متحف “آرام بازيكيان” لأيتام الإبادة الأرمنيّة في جبيل، وختمت لقاءها بالصلاة والتعبير عن إرادتها الثابتة بمتابعة هذا الحوار، على الرغم من الصعوبات الباقية، للوصول إلى الشركة والوحدة بين الكنائس.


Fifth Meeting of the Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission


The Anglican-Oriental Orthodox International Commission held its fifth meeting from the 24th to 29th October 2016 at the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, Antelias, Lebanon.

The Commission greatly appreciated the welcome to the Armenian Catholicosate by His Holiness Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia, and was grateful for the kindness and hospitality offered by the Catholicosate brotherhood members and staff.

At the opening session, the Commission was welcomed by His Holiness the Catholicos, who addressed its members, and encouraged the continuation of its work towards full visible unity in the face of existing and ongoing differences and disagreements. Having completed its work on the Procession of the Holy Spirit at its 2015 meeting, the Commission continued its reflection on the second part of its Agreed Statement on pneumatology, ‘The Sending of the Holy Spirit in Time (Economia).’

This second part considers the action of the Holy Spirit in the life and mission of the Church making it one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The Co-Chairs signed the second part of Agreed Statement that will be sent to our churches for reflection and comment, after which the Commission will produce the full statement, ‘The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit,’ in its final form.

The Commission discussed the present situation of Christians in the Middle East and heard reports on the difficulties facing churches, particularly in Syria and Iraq, and the situation of refugees in Lebanon. There was a consideration of the most practical ways in which the Anglican Communion in its various countries could respond effectively to the challenges facing Christians in the Middle East.

Members of the Commission continue to pray for the Middle East, for the victims of war, for refugees, and for all hostages. We also continue to pray for our fellow Christians, and especially the two bishops of Aleppo abducted in April 2013: Metropolitan Mor Gregorios Youhanna Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Church, and Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch.

The Commission visited a number of religious sites reflecting some of the spiritual diversity of Lebanon, including the Armenian Genocide Orphans’ ‘Aram Bezikian’ Museum. The Commission also recognised that the International Day for Religious Freedom was marked during its meeting, and so prayed for all, Christians and others alike, deprived of the right to hold and practice their faith openly.

Mindful of the global context of migrants and refugees, particularly in the local context of Lebanon, where a third of the population are refugees from Palestine, Syria and Iraq, and the dismantling of the migrant community at Calais during this week, the present Agreed Statement finished with the following words:

‘In a world of enforced displacement and fearful arrival; in a world of accelerated movement; in a world of war-torn fragmentation and courageous martyrdom; the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, transcends time and space and yet inhabits both. The same Spirit is sent to commission and empower the weak to be strong, the humble to be courageous and the poor to be comforted and blessed in a fallen world that is upheld by the providence and grace of God the Trinity who makes all things new in faith and hope and love.’

The sixth meeting of the Commission will take place, God willing, in Dublin, Republic of Ireland, from the 23rd to 28th October 2017, hosted by the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin, a member of the Commission.

At the conclusion of its meeting, the Commission thanked the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for the mutual understanding, joy, and friendship that was experienced and shared, and looks forward to continuing its work.


Present at the meeting in Antelias 2016


The Rt Revd Gregory K Cameron

The Church in Wales


The Revd Canon Dr John Gibaut

Anglican Communion Office


The Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson

The Church of Ireland

The Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell

The Church of England


The Very Revd Dr Samy Shehata

The Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East

The Ven Dr Edward Simonton OGS

The Anglican Church of Canada

The Revd Stephen Stavrou

The Church of England

The Revd Canon Dr William Taylor

The Church of England

The Revd Neil Vigers

Anglican Communion Office


Not able to be present

The Revd Christopher Edgar

The Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East

The Revd Dr Patrick Thomas

The Church in Wales


Oriental Orthodox

Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria

His Eminence Metropolitan Bishoy



His Grace Bishop Angaelos



Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

His Eminence Polycarpus Augin Aydin

The Netherlands

The Very Revd Fr Roger Akhrass



Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church – Holy See of Cilicia, Antelias – Lebanon

The Very Revd Fr Housig Mardirossian



The Revd Fr Boghos Tinkdjian



Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

The Revd Fr Dr KM George



Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

The Revd Fr Kaletsadike M. Argaw



Not able to be present

Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church – Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin – Armenia

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian


The Very Revd Archimandrite Shahe Ananyan Armenia


Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church – Holy See of Cilicia, Antelias – Lebanon

His Eminence Archbishop Nareg Alemezian



Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

Metropolitan Geevarghese Mor Coorilos


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