اللقاء السادس للحوار الرسمي بين الكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية والكنيسة الأنكليكانية


في الفترة الممتدّة من 23 إلى 28 تشرين الأوّل 2017، عقدت اللجنة العالمية للحوار الرسمي بين الكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية والكنيسة الأنكليكانية، اجتماعها السادس في مقرّ كاتدرائية القديس باتريك، دبلن – إيرلندا. مثّل الكنيسة السريانية السريانية في هذا اللقاء نيافة المطران مار بوليكربوس أوكين أيدين النائب البطريركي في هولندا، والربان روجيه-يوسف أخرس مدير دائرة الدراسات السريانية في البطريركية السريانية الأرثوذكسية.

خلال اللقاء، أنجز المجتمعون نصّ اتّفاقهم الذي بدأوه قبل ثلاث سنوات حول انبثاق الروح القدس وعمله في الكنيسة. ويوم السادس والعشرين من تشرين الأوّل، وفي احتفال ليتورجي مهيب في كاتدرائية كنيسة المسيح، تمّ توقيع الاتّفاق رسميًّا وقد وقّعه عن العائلة الأرثوذكسية الشرقية نيافة الأنبا بيشوي دمياط وكفر الشيخ ورئيس دير الشهيدة دميانة بالبراري وعن العائلة الأنكليكانية نيافة المطران غريغوري كاميرون، من كنيسة وايلز. وبذلك، يُعتبَر الاتّفاق مرفوعًا الآن إلى السلطات المسؤولة في الكنائس المشاركة في الحوار للنظر فيه وإجراء ما يلزم.

بعد ذلك، انتقلت اللجنة لدراسة الموضوع التالي المدرج على أجندة الحوار وهو السلطة في الكنيسة. فقُدِّمتْ دراسات متخصّصة في أربعة محاور: عدد المجامع المسكونية، تأويل مجمع خلقيدونية، معنى الحرومات، وسلطة الكتاب المقدّس والتقليد.

واتّفق المجتمعون على تمحيص هذه المواضيع في الاجتماع القادم المزمع عقده بين 22-27 تشرين الأول 2018، في بيروت – لبنان، بضيافة بطريركية أنطاكية وسائر المشرق للسريان الأرثوذكس.

في نهاية الاجتماع، قدّمت اللجنة الشكر لله الثالوث، الآب والابن والروح القدس، من أجل الفهم المتبادل بين مكوّناتها وروح الأخوّة التي اختبرتها خلال اللقاء وهي تتطلّع بشوق إلى متابعة عملها.

Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission (AOOIC)

Communiqué 2017

The Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission held its sixth meeting from the 23 to the 28 October 2017 at the Deanery of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

The Commission greatly appreciated the welcome to the Church of Ireland by the Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin, who is a member of the Commission. The Commission is deeply grateful for the kindness and hospitality offered by the Very Revd William Morton, Dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral, together with his staff, the staff of the Church House Dublin and the Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough.

The Commission drew its previous agreed statements on the Procession of the Holy Spirit (2015) and on the Sending of the Holy Spirit in Time (2016) into its final form, and into a single document. The final text, The Procession and Work of the Holy Spirit, is released with this Communiqué and will be launched as a publication at the next meeting of the Commission.

The Commission began its new work on Authority in the Church, with reflections on papers prepared by both Anglican and Oriental Orthodox members on topics that included the Number of Ecumenical Councils, the Interpretation of the Council of Chalcedon, the Meaning of the Anathemas of Ecumenical Councils, and the Authority of Scripture and Tradition.

The Commission discussed the present situation of Christians in the Middle East, and heard reports of the difficulties facing Christians, particularly in Iraq, Syria and Egypt, and the challenges between the churches in South India.

Members of the Commission continue to pray for the Middle East, for the victims of war, for refugees, and for all hostages. We also continue to pray for our fellow Christians, and especially the two bishops of Aleppo abducted in April 2013: Metropolitan Mor Gregorios Youhanna Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Church, and Metropolitan Boulos Yazigi of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch.

The Commission mourned the death of its former Anglican Co-Chair, the Rt Revd Dr Geoffrey Rowell, and gave thanks for his contribution to Anglican–Oriental Orthodox relations, and in particular for his leadership of this Commission.

The Commission began its meeting by attending Choral Mattins at St Patrick’s Cathedral.

The Commission was welcomed to Dublin in a civic reception at the Mansion House, the official residence of the Lord Mayor of Dublin, attended by diplomats and representative leaders of different faith communities in Dublin, as well as ecumenical leaders and members of the Church of Ireland.

The Commission visited the Chester Beatty Library, where a special exhibit of historic manuscripts representative of the Oriental Orthodox family of churches was prepared.

The Commission attended Vespers in the Coptic tradition at the recently consecrated parish church of St Maximus and St Domatius, Drumcondra, where it was welcomed by Coptic clergy and faithful from different parts of Ireland.

The Commission attended Evensong at Christ Church Cathedral on 26 October. Before the service the members united in prayer at the memorial to the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. In the course of the service the Agreed Statement on The Procession and Work of the Holy Spirit was formally signed by the two Co-Chairs, His Eminence Metropolitan Bishoy and Bishop Gregory Cameron.

At the conclusion of its meeting, the work of the Commission was honoured at a celebration at the University Club, Dublin.

The seventh meeting of the Commission will take place in Lebanon, 23–27 October 2018, hosted by the Syrian Orthodox Church.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the Commission thanks the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the mutual understanding and friendship that was experienced and shared, and looks forward to continuing its work.


Present at the meeting in Dublin 2017


The Rt Revd Gregory K Cameron       Church in Wales (Co-Chair)

The Revd Canon Dr John Gibaut        Anglican Communion Office (Co-Secretary)

The Most Revd Dr Michael Jackson    Church of Ireland

The Rt Revd Dr Samy Shehata            Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East

The Ven Dr Edward Simonton OGS Anglican Church of Canada

The Revd Stephen Stavrou                  Church of England

The Revd Canon Dr William Taylor    Church of England

The Revd Canon Dr Patrick Thomas Church in Wales

The Revd Neil Vigers                          Anglican Communion Office (Staff)


Oriental Orthodox

Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria

His Eminence Metropolitan Bishoy                            Egypt (Co-Chair)

His Grace Bishop Angaelos                                         England


Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

His Eminence Metropolitan Polycarpus Augin Aydin             The Netherlands

The Very Revd Fr Dr Roger Akhrass                          Syria (Acting Co-Secretary)


Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church –Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

His Grace, Bishop Hovakim Manukyan                      United Kingdom and Ireland


Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church

The Revd Fr Kaletsadike M. Argaw                            Ethiopia


Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

The Revd Fr Dr KM George                                       India